Fedos sh.p.k. was founded in January 2000 and is located in Tirana, Albania. This company is a family owned business directed from the founder, Dipl. Eng. Fatmir Struga and Dipl. Eng. Orion Struga, Clinical Engineer graduaded from Karolinska University, Sweden.
The company is oriented in trading of medical equipment and consumables with sales and service covering all Albanian territory.
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Fedos entered in the "Medical Equipment for Regional Hospitals" project, organized by the ministry of Health and Social Protection, HISP sector (Health System Improvement Project).
We managed to win and supply the following regional hospitals:
1) Durres, Elbasan, Fier, Shkoder with Autorefractomaeter (4 in total),
2) Durres, Elbasan, Fier,
Shkoder with Opthalmic Unit